Phototherapy and 4 treatment heads
Glo910+ Anti-Cellulite Massager
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If you are concerned about cellulite, Glo910+ is the massager you need to fight it.
A natural and non-invasive anti-cellulite massage is finally possible thanks to our effective Glo910 device. It reverses the cellulite process by smoothing the "orange peel skin", reshapes the body where you need it and revitalizes and deflates the legs.
Glo910+ gives you a body treatment in just 15-20 minutes, effortlessly. In addition, it stimulates skin collagen, thanks to SlimTECH® technology based on NASA science.
The most powerful cellulite massagerThis powerful massaging device acts as if more than 30,000 fingers were acting simultaneously on the body, massaging it in depth, without losing strength, with constant intensity, like a professional aesthetic center treatment from the comfort of your home.
Glo910 works magic on your body, thanks to the deep sub-dermal massage that mobilizes fat and accumulated toxins that cause the cellulite process.
SLIM tech® technology
The Glo910+ anti-cellulite massager incorporates an innovative combination of dual photoluminescent energy (red LED and Infrared) SLIM tech®, which penetrates at different levels of the skin, stimulating the creation of collagen and elasticity to the connective tissue, responsible for the typical "dimpling" of orange peel skin.
The most complete anti-cellulite massager
Glo910+ includes 4 treatment heads and adjustable intensity to combat orange peel skin, localized fat (belly, love handles, love handles, love handles...), swollen legs, muscle pain and improve circulation.
In addition, you can enjoy many other body cares, such as professional dry exfoliation or a wonderful relaxing massage.
Get lasting results by dedicating 15 minutes a day. A unique investment.
Results after 4 weeks of use
4 weeks later
Clinically Tested
Introducing the world’s first clinically tested and proven solution to cellulite that you can use from the comfort of your own home. See results in just 4 weeks!
Fast & painless, Glo910+ is a powerful non-invasive device that combats cellulite and evens out fatty deposits, giving you gorgeous, radiant skin.
Tested by “Dermatologisches Laserinstitut”, Switzerland.
Technical Data
3 m cable for convenient use
800 rpm motor
25 W (consumption)
Qué incluye
- 1 Anti-cellulite massage device
- 1 Head for dry exfoliation
- 1 Head for gentle exfoliation and soft massage for delicate body areas
- 1 Head to break fat
- 1 Head for lymphatic drainage
- 1 Bag to store the massager
Modo de uso
Regulate the intensity by adjusting the power regulator and enjoy the strength of the massage you want - no need to press the device hard against your body, simply increase the power and start breaking down fat cells and eliminating them through the lymphatic system!
Head selection
Select and place the treatment accessory. Turn on and regulate the intensity.
How to activate
Activate Dual phototherapy (infrared and red LEDs) Can be used for all treatments and heads. DO NOT EMIT HEAT. It has no contraindications.
How to use
Slide slowly holding it firmly. DO NOT TIGHTEN AGAINST SKIN.
Treatment time
Approximate time per treatment 20 min
How to do the massage
Massage the area with a Cellu-Active head at medium speed. Use on dry skin.
Increase the intensity
Increase the intensity and insist on the areas with cellulite. Slide from bottom to top.
Change the head
Change to the Cellu-Detox head, to finish the massage by draining. It can be used with or without creams.
How often to use the Dry Exfoliating Head
It is recommended to use the scrub 1 day / week. Use dry.
Videos de uso
The secret? A real reactivation of fat cells
Fights Cellulite
The deep mechanical massage acts on the deepest layers of the skin, breaking up fatty deposits in the most problematic areas (abdomen, buttocks, etc.).
Light and slender legs
Thanks to its draining action, toxins are mobilized and eliminated, legs are deflated and refined, improving and reshaping the figure.
Smooth and even skin
Complete body exfoliation in only 10 minutes, professional result. No effort, Glo 910 does it for you. Very effective complementary treatment to treat cellulite.
- Cellu-active: rompe los nódulos de grasa que forman la celulitis. 5 minutos en cada pierna.
- Cellu-detox: hace la función de drenaje linfático. 5 minutos en cada pierna moviemtos ascendentes.
- Body-brush: Exfoliación en seco. 1-2 veces por semana antes de la ducha, preferiblemente por la mañana. Activa la circulación.
- Soft-massage: piernas cansadas, zonas como rodillas, tobillos, escote, cuello, brazos sin mucha grasa, vientre delicado, contracturas, post-training. 5 minutos en cada zona.
Glo contribuye con la organización Daughters Rising mediante becas escolares y universitarias para proporcionarles un futuro con un trabajo digno a las niñas de la etnia Karen.
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