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Instantly light and fresh legs!
If your legs feel tired, heavy, swollen or in pain, cryomassage is the answer to your problem. These problems usually occur during hot weather, pregnancy, after a long-haul flight,when you work long hours sitting or standing, or when you have spent a long day on your feet or a night in heels.
Thanks to Motion Cryotherapy ® technology, you can now say goodbye to tired and heavy legs!
And thanks to its Cool Legs applicator, you can easily roll and move it up and down the problem area, making your legs feel light, agile and in tune, eliminating pain and fatigue. Cool Legs will give you instant freshness and relief that will last you hours, not to mention a soothing massage!
In just a few minutes your legs will feel light, fresh and rejuvenated. No need to worry anymore about being in pain!
In just a few minutes, your legs will feel light, fresh and redefined - a pleasant sensation of well-being and relaxation that will last for hours!
Instantly light legs! Relieves pain, fatigue and heaviness.Reduces edema and swelling, deflating and refining the legs.
Tones and provides a pleasant sensation of freshness that lasts for hours. Ideal for legs that swell in the heat.
Activates circulation and relieves legs with varicose veins.
Prevents cellulite.
Relieves pain and muscle inflammation. Indicated for athlets.
Provides energy and a pleasant sensation of lightness, freshness and well-being.
Modo de uso
After chilling your Cool Legs head in the freezer for 1 hour, attach the head to the massage device and massage your skin for 10 minutes.

Put in the freezer
Place your Cool Legs in the freezer (minimum 1 h) in its pouch.

Attach the head
Attach your Cool Legs to the Glo910 massage device.

Apply the massage
Apply the massage directly on the skin for about 10 minutes.

How to store
When finished, store your Cool Legs in its pouch in the freezer, and it will be ready for your next treatment.
Videos de uso

Motion Cryotherapy
Cryotherapy uses the from to relieve pain and heaviness caused by heat, hours of standing, pregnancy. The cold penetrates progressively as the massage is performed. The edema is reduced, the legs deflate and the heaviness disappears. Legs feel light and fresh as new!
Cryomassage head
A special patented treatment head for Glo910 devices. Contains a gel inside, which provides controlled cold in motion, without irritating the skin, without dripping. Tested by physiotherapists, the deep, cold massage activates circulation and relieves fluid retention that makes legs feel heavy and tired.
Qué incluye
- 1 Cryomassage Head
- 1 Bag to store the product
The secret to light legs? Cold massage

Motion Cryotherapy ®

Relieves pain and heaviness

Instantly light legs!
They talk about us

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